How to reduce cloud spend without damaging the enterprise

It can be challenging for enterprises to stay on top of cloud expenses. Here's how FinOps can help reduce it.

You’re not doing CX right without an analytics strategy

Companies can augment the customer experience with predictive analytics and turn a contact centre into a revenue driver. Here's how.

Logical data fabric vs. data mesh: uncovering differences

Here's how data virtualisation enables businesses to integrate, manage, and deliver data using logical data fabric and data mesh approaches.

The future of data management: Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud

Exploring the benefits and challenges of hybrid and multi-cloud for data management, including security and scalability in a digital world.

Secure, convenient verification: The future of identity

Explore how organisations can balance security and convenience in identity verification, catering to diverse preferences in the digital age.

Southeast Asia’s manufacturing hub: the cloud’s role

Explore how cloud technology is pivotal to Southeast Asia's emergence as a global manufacturing hub, driving innovation and efficiency.
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Is APAC education ready for global AI challenges?

Look into APAC's education readiness in the AI and globalisation era, with Insights from industry leaders and innovative schools.