Military-grade, real-time data science

Tapping advanced analytics in real time is the holy grail for every enterprise. In 2010, this was the aim of the US military, which...

The quantum cloud is on its way

A few days ago, several media outlets reported that a leaked paper from Google — one that was uploaded to the NASA website, but...

Frontier technologies at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 promise to exhibit not only the highest standards in human endurance and physical ability, but also some wild,...

Facebook, DBS, MyRepublic talk customer experience

Enterprises know the success of their business depends on satisfied customers, which is why companies are racing to provide better customer experience in a world where...

Weird AI: five cool use cases for artificial intelligence

Whisky recipes Sweden-based Mackmyra Whisky recently announced it was collaborating with Microsoft and Finnish tech firm Fourkind to create the world’s first AI-developed whisky. Which...

Application delivery in the age of the cloud

With large numbers of enterprises migrating to the cloud to minimise costs and vendor lock-in, it’s safe to say that the age of the cloud has...

The standard that promises to take the pain out of SD-WAN...

SD-WAN has been around for several years, initially starting as a way for enterprises to virtualize their WANs across different locations. Service providers have been quick to...

Thai real estate giant Ananda transforms its employee experience

Thai real estate developer Ananda Development has selected Qualtrics EmployeeXM to design and deliver a better experience for its 1,300-strong workforce in the country. The...

Connecting the workplace using AI, ML & automation

How do organizations begin their digital transformation process, and how can they build a more connected workplace using new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine...

Uncovering security risks in digital supply chains

Chester Wisniewski, Principal Research Scientist in the Office of the CTO at Sophos, is a three-decade veteran of the security space. He has seen...
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