Oz taxman picks iProov for digital ID program

iProov emerged best in an open tender process and was selected to provide a liveness solution for myGovID for the Australian Taxation Office.

This means that millions of Australians will soon be able to access digital government services online after proving their identity using face verification from the biometric authentication firm.

iProov’s Genuine Presence Assurance technology will enable Australians to set up their myGovID digital identity using a simple face scan on their mobile devices. 

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This will provide access to a range of services, including managing tax returns, accessing health services and applying for benefits.

Unlike face recognition, which matches a physical face seen in a crowd to a list of images on a database, face verification is done with the knowledge and cooperation of the user.

The Genuine Presence Assurance process promises to deliver benefits including simplicity, inclusive in terms of use and access, convenience, security, resilience to emerging threats, privacy, and a boost to Australia’s digital economy.

Andrew Bud, CEO of iProov, said their task is to secure the creation of digital identities against impersonation. 

The government of Singapore is already using iProov technology for its national digital identity platform SingPass. 

Ditto with the United Kingdom Home Office for their EU Settlement Scheme as well as the United States Department of Homeland Security for land border crossing. 

iProov touts its technology as being the only biometric authentication system in a certification meeting the highest level of the European eIDAS international digital identity scheme.