Online job market firm Seek unifies finance, HR with Workday

Seek, an Australia-based specialist in online job marketplaces, has adopted Workday Financials and Human Capital Management (HCM) as part of a broader business transformation to consolidate and unify operations across Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

Founded in 1997 in Melbourne, Seek has grown to offer nine employment marketplaces in markets spanning Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Mexico. 

To enhance consistency across these geographies, Seek undertook a transformation project to bring together platforms and ways of working for a simpler approach that encourages collaboration.

As part of the project, Seek selected the Workday platform for finance and people management in all markets. This consolidated approach offers greater oversight for management and allows teams to work more easily together to deliver on Seek’s goals, sharing learnings and insights across locations.

Seek has adopted Workday to create a single source of “truth,” manage multiple markets in one place, adapt for growth, and unlock intelligent automation and AI. 

“Both finance and HR rely heavily on accurate and timely data to make intelligent decisions,” said Lisa Tobin, CIO at Seek. 

“Implementing Workday has provided a future-proofed foundation for these data-driven decisions, informed by real-time data and one source of the truth,” said Tobin. “This foundation really provides a strong platform for informed decision making today and into the future.”