Nokia goes cloud-first with Google

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Nokia and Google Cloud have entered into a five-year strategic collaboration that will see Nokia migrate its on-premise IT infrastructure onto Google Cloud. 

The Finland-based telecommunication firm will migrate its data centres and servers around the world, as well as various software applications, onto Google Cloud infrastructure.

The deal reflects Nokia’s important operational shift to a cloud-first IT strategy and its aggressive efforts to strengthen and transform its digital operations globally in order to expand collaboration and innovation capabilities of Nokia employees and to enhance its delivery to customers.

Also, the agreement is expected to drive operational efficiencies and cost savings over time due to a reduction in real estate footprint, hardware energy consumption, and hardware capacity purchasing needs.

Under the deal, Nokia will use a suite of Google Cloud products and professional services. They have worked together for the past few months to design a highly customised migration approach that will allow Nokia to exit its IT data centres on a rapid schedule, while minimising business impact and setting a strong foundation for the future. 

Nokia’s infrastructure and applications will run in the public cloud or in a Software-as-a-Service model going forward. Deployment of the migration has started and is expected to extend over an 18- to 24-month period.

”Given Nokia’s digital ambitions and plans, this is an ideal time for Nokia to be taking this step with Google Cloud to accelerate our efforts; and doing all of this in a secure and scalable way,” said Ravi Parmasad, VP of  global IT infrastructure at Nokia.