Lendlease picks Google Cloud to run new property life cycle platform

Lendlease, the international property and infrastructure group based in Australia, chose Google Cloud as its primary cloud partner to launch their new property life cycle platform “Podium.” 

Podium includes new products and services that will be used by Lendlease as well as offered as-a-service to the broader industry to provide better clarity and detail into the entire life cycle of a project. 

Built on Google Cloud Platform, this will see Lendlease leveraging Google Cloud’s fully managed capabilities to simplify operations and product deployment so it can remain nimble and adapt fast. This is expected to enable Lendlease to implement change securely, and quickly, and to continuously improve the products and services it is providing its teams and customers. 

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Also, Google Cloud’s data analytics capabilities will support Podium’s ability to connect insights from past projects and across the life cycle of a development, to simplify interdepencies and improve decision making. 

“We believe the next phase of innovation is centred around autonomous buildings, which sees AI used to automate building in a more holistic way,” ,” said William Ruh, CEO of Lendlease Digital. “Podium is a big move for us that will help us continue to lead in the property industry, and having a trusted partner like Google Cloud is critical to make this a success.”

In November 2019, Google Cloud made available their Bare Metal Solution in more cloud regions, to let businesses run specialised workloads such as Oracle databases close to Google Cloud, while lowering overall costs and reducing risks associated with migration.

The new regions include Ashburn, Virginia; Frankfurt; London; Los Angeles, California; and Sydney. Google Cloud plans to launch four more sites by the end of 2020 — Amsterdam, São Paulo, Singapore, and Tokyo.