Collaboration and Communication within Enterprises in Singapore and Indonesia

This survey report is sponsored by Logitech.

Strict-but-necessary restrictions such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing have been implemented to slow the spread of the coronavirus, but they have also disrupted business activities, and altered the modes of engagement for companies. To deal with such limitations, enterprises have had to use online tools like project management software and videoconferencing applications more frequently to work together and exchange information.

Given this backdrop, Logitech commissioned a survey, conducted by Jicara Media, to determine how the pandemic has changed the way enterprises communicate and collaborate, and how technology has been infused into the hybrid or remote work processes within enterprises. The survey compares the circumstances and strategies used by IT leaders across Singapore and Indonesia when it comes to communicating and collaborating. The survey also investigates the technological aspects, as well as leadership and management processes and policies that have evolved over the past year.

To find out more, download the below survey report.

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