How IHH Healthcare removed pain points with automation
IHH Healthcare Singapore enhances operations and patient care through automation, fostering an innovation-driven culture via Botathons.
Geopolitical and criminal aspects of the cyber threat landscape
Crowdstrike’s Global Threat Report 2020 surveyed the cyber threat landscape for the year, with a particular focus on geopolitical concerns and how they relate...
CEO Vision: Peering into VMware’s cloud, enterprise AI future
VMware's CEO talks about cloud repatriation, AI's role in enterprise, data security challenges, and the tech landscape shaped by innovations.
Solace CTSO shares how EDA can transform online retail
Solace's Sumeet Puri talks about how the use of an event-driven architecture or EDA could solve many retailers’ headaches.
Wireless Logic CEO connects the dots of IoT deployment
Wireless Logic CEO Oliver Tucker on IoT challenges in APAC, AI integration, and innovations, including a partnership with SpaceX Starlink.
Freyabadi Indotama breaks the mould with automation
Freyabadi Indotama uses automation and digital tools to boost chocolate production, efficiency, and sustainability.
How DX paid off for Airbus, DBS & Spark NZ during...
From a business perspective, the global COVID-19 pandemic has provided the IT sector with an unwelcome and unlikely but effective proof of concept of...
How SMEs can benefit from Singapore’s IP push
IPOS Chief Executive Rena Lee shares how Singapore’s IP strategy empowers SMEs to protect innovations, drive revenue, and expand globally.
A glimpse into the billion object club
OpenText, a Canadian enterprise information management company, is known for software that handles large volumes of content or data, structured or otherwise. What started...